Elizabeth Latimer


I am a graduate of Rithm School, a full-stack web development bootcamp in San Francisco, CA.

Technical Skills

Languages Known:

JavaScript(ES6+), Python, SQL, HTML, CSS

Frameworks and Technologies:

React, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Jest, Jasmine, React Testing Library, jQuery, Bootstrap, SCSS

Work History

For all the details, download my resume.

Software Engineer | LiveStack | March-April 2020

Architected and built v1 of a service to connect users with the creators they want to learn from with a team of 8 engineers in 15 days.

Technologies used:

Registrar & International Student Coordinator | Napa Christian Campus of Education | March 2016 - December 2019

Educational Admin for a small K-12 school. Helped redesign and launch an new project-based learning program K-12, increasing student retention and new student enrollment by 9%

Executive Program Assistant | LEAPNOW: Transforming Education | June 2014 - December 2015

Admin for independent college study abroad program. Supported students through enrollment, preparation, group travel, and solo internships.

Supported business operations by redesigning website, print materials, and overhauling social media policies, maintaining consistent branding and presence across platforms and formats.